Country Club Cattery
01932 843957
New clients: A £10 deposit is required at the time of booking.
Certificate of Inoculation: No cat can be accepted if not accompanied by a valid certificate of inoculation against Feline Influenza and Enteritis. Boosters are required annually to protect your cat and others.
Visitors: Prior to booking, visiting is welcome during opening hours. An appointment will ensure that a member of staff is available to show you around. A walk round is not possible at the time of delivery unless by prior arrangement.
Veterinary Service: Any cat unwell during the boarding period wil be treated by the cattery's Veterinary Surgeon at Spinney Hill Veterinary Centre.
Vets Fees: All possible care is taken but we accept no responsibility for any veterinary fees incurred during their stay. Private cat insurance is recommended and is also the responsibility of the owner.
Right of Refusal: We reserve the right to refuse boarding to any cat we feel is seriously unwell. We do not board any adult male cats if they are un-neutered.
Payment: Boarding fees are payable in full when you collect your cat. All days including arrival and departure days are charged to cover cleaning and turnover time. Please pay by cash or cheque as we do not take credit or debit cards (please take a look at our services and pricing page).
Delivery and Collection: All days booked at the time of booking must be paid for, and no refunds can be made for early collection.
Extra days will be charged at the daily rate. Please ensure that a safe pet carrier is used.
Parking: If possible please park in our driveway. If parking on Old Road please ensure that neighbours' driveways are not blocked.